Roles and Volunteering
Volunteers are often the life-blood of your organisation. This module allows you to manage and track your volunteers

Assign clients to specific roles in the organisation (ie. Board) and optional sub-roles. Add expiry dates and history that the client has performed with the organisation.

Set-up your clients as volunteers. Track their interests and areas of volunteering capability. You can also track their status, induction and various other attributes

Profiler has a volunteer/visitor check-in system designed for tracking entry in and out of the organisation (front-desk/ipad). It also records any hours of volunteer work against volunteers defined in the system.
Standard Roles
Roles and Sub-Roles are designed so you can add attributes on what Roles the client performs with your organisation.
Some examples might be Board Member or Employee
Volunteering Roles
Volunteering roles are used to define what roles the client performs in their role as a volunteer at your organisation
The description of roles can vary from organisation to organisation but a client can volunteer in multiple areas

Store against each volunteer the attributes about their interests, capabilities and areas of responsibility that they will do with your organisation.

Keep track of attributes that might expire against your volunteers (ie. Drivers License numbers, Working with Child Checks). Get easy reporting on the date these are due to expire for follow-up. Track Induction and Training dates.

Produce volunteer log and reporting hours should the need arise for government and management reporting.